Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 26, 2009


Okay, folks, it's time to put our money where our mouths are and get PROACTIVE about adoption!

Do you all see that little widget above and to the right of this post? Yeah, that's the one! The one that says, "Got Coffee?" Well, meet Anne. Anne and her family are having an adoption fundraiser and they need your help.

What did I say? Their starting another adoption and they need help? Do I mean money? Yeah, that's right, they need money. You know why? Because international adoptions are stinkin' expensive, that's why!!! Trust me, I know firsthand. Unfortunately, it's not about having enough money to actually raise a child, it's about having the cash on hand to actually get a child into this country. And for those who don't know, it ain't pretty. We're talking thousands and thousands.

So what are YOU gonna do?? You're always talking about helping those in need. You're always saying how wonderful it was that some took that leap of faith and adopted a child that needed a family. You've been thinkin' there's something you'd like to do. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE! Go on, JUST DO IT! CliCk on the link on the right and make it happen. Anne and her family sure would appreciate it and be forever grateful for your role in bringing their child home to them.

Okay, I'm done preaching...NOW CLICK ON THAT LINK!!

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