Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 23, 2008


On Wednesday (10-22-08) I got to spend a couple hours with Logan at Port Farms outside of Waterford. Her pre-school class took a field trip there, and I volunteered to be a chaperone, and even though it was a little chilly, okay, in my opinion in October it was downright cold, it warmed up a little by the afternoon and all the kids had a great time. They got to pet some goats, see a movie about bees, got to see how grain moves along on a farm, they slid down some pretty big slides, played in a hay bale maze, went on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch to pick out their own pumpkin, and even got to play in the corn kernel type sand box, which really was a neat idea. So for only $2 per person, it was a nice way to spend an autumn afternoon with the kids. They even had an inside area where we could sit and eat our lunch.

Logan and her two ghoulie friends!
While enjoying some popcorn, the kids seemed genuinely interested in learning what the buzz was about bees. Here Logan is once again with her friend Victoria at the grain bin, who you may remember was her partner in crime while at Idlewild Park this summer.
Logan just loves to slide!
This was a cool little underground slide that all the kids really liked.
Logan and one of her classmates on the hay bale maze.
Logie finds her perfect pumpkin and is holding on!

What was really cute was on the ride back to the preschool on the bus (which was only about 20 minutes long) about three-quarters of the kids fell asleep. Of course Logan DID NOT, but she did fall asleep on the drive home from preschool (which is about a 45 minute drive) in her own comfy carseat. It was a good day for Logie and her Nanny.

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