Thanks, Wendy!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Really? 5?
A beautiful princess ball gown for our beautiful princess!
Ciara poses for a quick pic amidst Logan's gift unwrapping frenzy.
Cousins Christopher and Ciara
Jie Jie, would ya just blow out the candle already so I can have some of that fine lookin' cake?
What a doll!
This morning while eating breakfast Ciara still wanted to party, lol
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010

(Galatians 6:10)
" we have opportunity, let us do good to...all...especially to those of the household of faith."
Monday, January 11, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
It's winter in Pennsylvania
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At thirty-five below.
Oh, how I love Pennsylvania
When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave Pennsylvania
I'm frozen to the ground!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
We have been cooped up in this house for two solid days. Count '!!! And we are going a little stir crazy! Leyna and I may just get brave tomorrow and go into Sugar Grove to get something, anything!! Chocolate sounds good about now!!
Here you can barely see our barn.I know the picnic table should've been put away by now, but that sucker is H.E.A.V.Y! It will be buried soon!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
And without saying any more, even though I know you guys love to read me ramble, here they are!!
There are always a few in every crowd who just CANNOT wait until the food is served and that would be these two in this crowd. Two of my three brothers, Shawn and Chris, picking before we eat.The table before the 18 of us sat down to eat...
And the table afterwards. And Amanda is not still praying, she's just having a bad camera moment!
Our youngest attendee, Gavin, always smiles nice for the camera.
My nephew Christopher just loves his new cousin, Ciara. Anyone for a smooch?
Logan and Christopher...what a cute pair!
Gavin and Ciara enjoying a little playtime in the ottoman/toy box while my nephew Jake looks on.
My little egghead nephew Christopher tries to get in almost every photo you take and this time he beat me!
McKayla was just minding her own business when these three decided to gang up on her, lol.
Logan's Uncle Jay, Aunt Jamie and cousin Gavin, and her Granny Julie (not shown in this pic obviously) on her dad's side of the family joined our clan this year!
Logie with her Granny.
Ciara getting in on some of that Granny action. Ciara fondly refers to Julie and JuJu.
My parents have two Boston Terriers, Hans and Greta, and every once in awhile someone runs across something they can't resist buying for them. This lovely ornament was courtesy of our good friend Kevin.
And this terrier angel is for Billie, their previous dog that is now passed away. Billie was a good puppy.
My middle brother Shawn and his two sons Jake and Josh
My youngest brother Chris with wife Amanda and two kids McKayla and Christopher
Four generations with the knucklehead with her tongue sticking out being our future!?! LOL
Papa, Mama and Ciara
Granny and Ciara
Logan got the giggles when I tried to take a picture with her mommy...
Then when I finally get a good smile from her...Leyna started! I wonder where she gets it from?
I dunno what they were doing! This particular photo sessions went downhill from here, lol
Granny showing her great granddaughter and granddaughter how to play.
Logan kickin' back watching TV with her Pappap
Roger can only stand so much picture taking in one evening, lol. Awww, such a rough life!