I really didn't have Ciara pose for this picture exactly like a scarecrow, lol. When I said "Cheese!" she just threw her arms out wide!Leading the parade!
Look how little Ciara is compared to all the rest of the kids in her class!
After such a beautiful day yesterday, today it was really cold and windy and this parade stuff is starting to wear on Ciara. Luckily she had clothes on underneath her costume or she never would've made it out there!
Each child got on this platform and stated what they were supposed to be. They were all so cute!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
And finally it was Ciara's turn and she was soooo ready for school. I actually hadn't even thought of putting her in preschool yet because the last I knew from 20 + years ago --- ahem --- kids went to preschool after they turned four. So since I do a lot of my work at home, I knew she was going to get bored easily, and she really wanted to go. So off she went! Her bookbag/overnight bag, lol, is almost the same size as she is!No fear!
Those boys look like giants compared to Ciara!
Eight little bookbags all in a row...six boys (Seth, Brock, Jordan, Timothy, Talon & Griffin) and two girls (Cali & Ciara).
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Or, these two...And this set...
And then these last two from my China Collection.
If you want to know the significance of the ladybug to Chinese adoptions, click HERE.
Okay, enough of the shameless plugging of my business, now down to the good stuff. Yogi & Cecil's is sponsoring two fundraisers; one for the Rizzo family who are waiting for TA to bring this little beauty home (Amelia)...
And the other fundraiser for the Little family who are also waiting to bring their little jewel home (Ellie).
Okay, this is the part where you all come in so PAY ATTENTION, PLEASE! For every purchase you make at Yogi & Cecil's Facebook page, we're going to be giving these two families 50% of the sales. There is an option set up on my Facebook page for each clippy so you can choose which family's fundraiser you'd like your purchase to go towards. It's...that...simple! To order through Facebook all you do is click on the "Shop Now" button, it's a very simple set up. Oh, and don't forget to hit that little "Like" button to become a fan, that way you'll stay updated of all the new clippies that are added on a regular basis.
Now, for those of you who are not familiar with Facebook and don't wanna be, we have option No. 2 and that is YOGI & CECIL'S BLOG. I have set up a "Chip-In" account for each family. From the blog I will only be taking orders either by email at yogiandcecils@verizon.net or through posts on that blog. Once you have placed an order, I will give you your total and then that will be the amount that you will Chip In on either the Little or Rizzo Fundraiser. And, again, don't forget to become a follower or our blog 'cause...it's just cool! Now, the blog is still under construction and hopefully will be completely stocked and loaded by Sunday night with all of the inventory and pricing info, so keep checking back!
With your help, the Rizzos and Littles can have a very successful fundraiser to offset some of the costs associated with International Adoption, and as most of you are quite familiar, there are a lot of costs!!! God bless you all!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Dear God,
Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart and my life.
Erase the will nots, may nots, might nots that may find a home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots, would nots and should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all, Dear God, I ask that you remove from my mind, my heart and my life all of the ‘am nots’ that I have allowed to hold me back, especially the thought that I am not good enough.
Author Unknown
Friday, July 9, 2010
Getting ready to leave for Sunday evening worship on the 4th of July!Are we going or what, Mommy?
I can't concentrate with you taking pictures all the time, Mommy!
My new bike is way cool!
Ciara, dear, you have a little confetti ice cream around those sweet lips.
So much pavement, so little time.
Even though she's only gained 3 pounds since she came home last August and grew about an inch and a half, look how chubby her little legs look in this picture, lol
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Oh, that water is cold!Ciara just loves to swim!
Oooooo, it's still cold!
La la la la la...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Don't be afraid to let me know what you all think!!
If you'd like to order this Panda Clippie, the first in this series, just click on the PayPal button to the right!